Exterior House Painting

Our Exterior House Painting Projects

Steps We Take To Make Your House Beautiful:

1. Prepare the Surface:

  • Clean the surface thoroughly by pressure washing or scrubbing with a mixture of water and mild detergent. Remove any dirt, dust, mildew, or loose paint.
  • Repair any damaged areas, such as cracks or holes, using filler or caulk. Sand rough surfaces to create a smooth, even canvas for painting.

2. Choose the Right Paint:

  • Select high-quality exterior paint that is suitable for your climate and the surface you’re painting (wood, stucco, brick, etc.).
  • Consider using a primer, especially if you’re painting over bare wood or a drastically different color.

3. Gather Our Tools and Materials:

  • Quality paintbrushes, rollers, and paint trays.
  • Drop cloths or plastic sheeting to protect the surrounding area.
  • Painter’s tape to mask off windows, doors, and trim.
  • Extension poles for hard-to-reach areas.
  • Ladders and scaffolding if necessary for higher portions of the house.

4. Prepare the Area:

  • Cover plants, bushes, and anything else you want to protect from paint splatter.
  • Remove or cover outdoor furniture and fixtures.
  • Remove downspouts, light fixtures, and other removable items if possible.

5. Apply Primer (if needed):

  • Apply a coat of primer to ensure proper adhesion and uniform color, especially if you’re changing the color significantly.

6. Start Painting:

  • Begin with the trim and edges using a high-quality brush. Work carefully to create clean lines.
  • Use a roller to apply paint to larger, flat surfaces like siding. Start at the top and work your way down.
  • Maintain a “wet edge” while painting to prevent visible lap marks. This means you should keep a wet line of paint as you progress.
  • Apply two coats of paint for a more durable and even finish. Allow the first coat to dry completely before applying the second.

7. Maintain Quality Control:

  • Keep an eye out for drips, runs, or uneven coverage, and fix them immediately.
  • Remove painter’s tape while the paint is still slightly wet to prevent peeling.
  • Double-check for missed spots or areas that need touch-ups.

8. Clean Up:

  • Clean your brushes, rollers, and other equipment thoroughly with the appropriate solvent (usually water for latex paint).
  • Dispose of paint cans and materials according to local regulations.

9. Final Inspection:

  • Step back and inspect your work from a distance to ensure even coverage and a professional finish.
  • Address any touch-ups or imperfections as needed.

Remember that painting the exterior of your house is a significant undertaking, and it’s essential to take your time and follow each step carefully for the best results. Additionally, always follow safety precautions, especially when working on ladders or scaffolding, and consider hiring a professional if you’re unsure about tackling the project yourself. Contact us (808) 480-1535 for your exterior painting project and get a free painting estimate.

House Painting Free Estimates

Painting Materials We Use:

  • exterior flat or eggshell paint
  • exterior semigloss paint
  • pressure washer
  • paint sprayer
  • paintbrush
  • painter’s tape
  • drop cloths
  • ladder
  • paint scraper
  • stain-blocking primer
  • epoxy filler
  • medium-grit sanding block
  • spackle knife
  • exterior caulk
  • caulk gun
  • plastic sheeting
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